
deltaconX is a specialist Regulatory Reporting Services Provider. Taking the ‘heavy lifting’ out of continually meeting regulatory reporting requirements, our powerful rules engine and intuitive workflow tool ensure that issues are identified and resolved in a timely and by exception manner.

CTRM Cubed discuss how TradeCube tackles ETRM industry challenges

CTRM Cubed were invited to be part of the recent ETRM Educational mini-series podcast. Listen or watch as we discuss how TradeCube is a key component in the next generation of ETRM, combining “traditional” ETRM capability with powerful cube data analytics.
Find out how cloud delivered, multi-tenanted SaaS ETRM tackles some of the legacy issues in the sector.

Automating E-CTRM

Trading markets continue to evolve, and for most organisations, this means more active high-frequency trading. Within energy, this is driven by a move both towards algo trading, plus increased trading around assets.

CTRM Cubed attend ETOT

The recent ETOT conference, part of Energy Trading Week, allowed CTRM Cubed to demonstrate their TradeCube SaaS E/CTRM alongside CTRM Ecosystem partner Fidectus, at the event at London’s Chelsea Football Stadium.


Fidectus revolutionizes post-trade processing in energy and commodity markets. We connect you with your trading partners and provide you tools to better manage your working capital. Improve your operating profitability, reduce risk and illiquid capital through intelligent reporting, confirmation, settlement, netting, financing and payment services. Just plug and play.


With “mP Xnergy” metalogic provides a powerful energy forecast solution for demand, grid, and generation predictions – for both the domestic & non-domestic markets, for electricity and gas. As a TradeCube Ecosystem Partner we add more value to our customers.

Data Science for CTRM using TradeCube

Trading organisations are increasingly using data science as a discipline to optimise and analyse the wealth of data available from CTRM platforms and elsewhere.

Traditionally, CTRM vendors have provided both standardised and customised reports as a primary data output from the system. The outputs were typically quite rigid and designed for an age where printed paper was the target medium.